昭和50年開業の老舗町中華!優しいご夫婦が営む、地元民が集うローカル中華食堂で昼呑み。【末広・扶桑町】 Drinking and Eating at restaurant. ,Aichi Japan.

昭和50年開業の老舗町中華!優しいご夫婦が営む、地元民が集うローカル中華食堂で昼呑み。【末広・扶桑町】 Drinking and Eating at restaurant. ,Aichi Japan.

名古屋大須在住の与作です。愛知県丹羽郡扶桑町大字高雄字定松にある「中国料理 末広」さんに行ってきました。ここは1975年(昭和50年)開業の老舗中華料理店。扶桑町民を中心に、熟練の味に惚れ長年通い続ける常連客も多い。大陸中華とは違い優しい味付けの中華は老若男女問わず好まれている。


■中国料理 末広さん


#扶桑町 #町中華 #昼飲み 中華料理/末広/グルメ/愛知県/激渋食堂/Vlog/日本





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I’m Yosaku who lives in Osu, Nagoya. I went to “Chinese Cuisine Suehiro” in Sadamatsu, Takao, Fuso-cho, Niwa-gun, Aichi Prefecture. This is a long-established Chinese restaurant that opened in 1975. There are many regular customers, mainly Fuso Town residents, who have been coming to the restaurant for many years because they are in love with the skilled taste. Unlike Chinese restaurants run by Chinese nationals, the gently seasoned Chinese cuisine is popular among men and women of all ages.

The restaurant is a one-minute walk from Fuso Station on the Meitetsu Inuyama Line, the closest station to the restaurant. Parking is available next to and across from the restaurant. All the dishes we had this time were delicious, but I personally enjoyed the dumplings and mabo tofu, which were unique.

■Chinese Cuisine Suehiro

Hi , My name is Yosaku. I live in Nagoya Japan.
My channel uploads one or two videos a week of eating and drinking at restaurants in Nagoya and the suburbs. I mainly focus on Chinese food, bars and restaurants, and eat and drink at various restaurants regardless of their fame or not.
If you like my videos please subscribe to my channnel, and comment and thumbs up!

■Please subscribe to my channnel https://bit.ly/2tCy62i
 And if you like it, please thumbs up
■email address yosaku.nagoya.walker@gmail.com
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Copyright© Yosaku All Rights Reserved.
(I used google translate. I am sorry if my English is wrong.)
